Growing Schools in Whitley

This is my project blog, following the development of 6 schools gardens as part of the Whitley Excellence Cluster's Aspire project, in Reading. Myself and colleague Dave are working with teachers, school governers and of course the pupils to create school gardens that are healthy, abundant and sustainable landscapes. The project started in March 2006. This is my diary of the work and I hope to encourage pupils to write their own blog for their individual garden projects.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

well i am a bit excited as a producer from BBC gardeners world, the prestigeous TV program is coming to see us about one of the gardens we are involved with; the Roof garden in Reading. They seem to be interested in the water efficiency, rainwater harvesting slant and it will be interesting to talk to them. I am convinced there is a really worth while prject to be had, monitoring how much rain water it can absorb, and how much of that we can use in the building. Flood water surges are an increasing problem in built up areas, for precisely that reason, everything is built up so storm water cant soak into the ground. This is an important function for roof gardens. Hopefully it will give us a chance to talk about some of our other work, namely the Aspire schools in Whitley.


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