Growing Schools in Whitley

This is my project blog, following the development of 6 schools gardens as part of the Whitley Excellence Cluster's Aspire project, in Reading. Myself and colleague Dave are working with teachers, school governers and of course the pupils to create school gardens that are healthy, abundant and sustainable landscapes. The project started in March 2006. This is my diary of the work and I hope to encourage pupils to write their own blog for their individual garden projects.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hi, this is a new blog that will chart the development of a cluster of schools gardens in Whitley Reading Berkshire, UK. A groups of 10 schools have come together to raise some money so they can develop their landscapes, making them attractive and productive but more importantly to help build a relationship between the pupils and the environment.

We are only really interested in low maintenance resource efficeint forest type gardens, as pioneered by Robert Hart in Wenlock Shropshire and embraced by the permaculture and sustainable design community around the world.

So look out for rainwater harvesting features, solar fountains, all sorts of interesting plants; herbs, fruiting trees and bushes from UK and around the world.


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